What’s this all about?
With an exponential rise in the number of children inclined towards Nature, it is only logical that there exist more avenues for Children to learn about, interact with and experience the Natural World. Unfortunately, this isn’t true for most city dwelling children. Children seem to possess more information today than ever before but are unable to test their knowledge or hypotheses through experience. Consequently, they don’t actually learn much.
If experience and life are our best teachers, then it is only fair that we offer children the chance to learn about what they are passionate about through experiences that we bring to them.
This July, The Gerry Martin Project (TGMP) will be running two ‘Young Naturalists’ Workshops’ at different locations, focusing on separate learning objectives from Crocodile Biology to Game tracking.
1. Reptile Biology at The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust (MCBT)

Dates- 04th to 08th July 2011.
Age bracket: 12 to 19 yrs.
Age bracket: 12 to 19 yrs.
2. Naturalist Skills at Romulus Whitaker’s

Rom now lives on the edge of a reserve forest about an hour away from Chennai. He has set up a small campsite to allow enthusiasts to experience Nature and also build skills in field biology.
The Gerry Martin Project will be taking a group of 18 kids over to Rom’s campsite to run them through the basics in field biology. They will learn outdoor skills, camera trapping, biostatistics, reptile biology, bird watching and a lot more.
Dates- 11th to 15th July 2011.
Age bracket: 10 to 16 years.
Faculty: Dates- 11th to 15th July 2011.
Age bracket: 10 to 16 years.


Our equipment is all tested and cleared. Wherever necessary, we have certified and experienced instructors.
To register or to get more details, please get in touch with Conan on 9972068300 or email at conan@gerrymartin.in or Gerry on 9845779666 or gerry@gerrymartin.in.